June 2022 Edition |
“We have a chance to do something extraordinary. As we head out of this pandemic we can change the world. Create a world of love. A world where we are kind to each other. A world where we are kind no matter what class, race, sexual orientation, what religion or lack of or what job we have. A world we don't judge those at the food bank because that may be us if things were just slightly different. Let love and kindness be our roadmap.” |
Contents |
The SNE Exam, Norms, lots of Training, a Technical Tour |
SABI members have much to look forward to participating in as we work our way through winter with the pandemic hopefully fading out as we get moving again – Training, a Technical Tour and opportunities to write the SABI National Exam are on the near horizon. |
SABI National Exam |
It is time for the SNE again and we would like to remind everyone that all Corporate Members (Fellow/Member) are welcome to write the SABI National Exam. If you pass the SNE Exam you earn the status of SABI Approved Designer. For members wanting to write in the Western Cape, members are welcome to make an appointment to write the exam at the SABI office in the Strand. If you are looking to write in Gauteng, you are welcome to sit the exam on 3 August 2022 at the ARC in Silverton Pretoria. If you are interested, please contact Riana on riana@sabi.co.za. |
Technical |
Just a reminder, you can peruse the industry’s Norms and the Code of Practice (Agricultural and Landscape) on the SABI website: www.sabi.co.za. Join the Tour - Exciting news - SABI will be introducing, for the first time ever, a SABI Technical Tour. The debut Technical Tour will be held in the Western Cape September 2022. This is sure to become a legendary must-attend experience for our members. We will soon send details regarding the tour! Be sure not to miss this, it is going to be amazing. |
Training |
Our SABI Training is going full steam ahead again after a few years of “covid languishing”. SABI is proud to play a role in training in the technical, agricultural and landscape sectors. We successfully recently presented the following courses in Gauteng and the Western Cape: D1: Introduction to irrigation equipment and installation course This year we will present a second irrigation design course in Gauteng, starting in July, which is already fully booked. The first advanced course for the year, on the vital subject of Subsurface Drainage Design was successfully presented in Gauteng and in the Western Cape by Felix Reinders. |
The second advanced course we will present in August with the theme Automation/Fertigation will also presented in the Western Cape and Gauteng. You will soon receive more information about this course. Please also consider our new course: Use of SAPWAT for irrigation requirement determination. SAPWAT is a well-known WRC funded model used by irrigation designers for the determination of crop water requirement to ensure sufficient water during the growing season. The course will cover the basics to understand all the options to use the model effectively. This course will be presented in November. |
Invest in your own or your staff’s skills the industry, the country, the world needs irrigation skills – take the first step by perusing the SABI Training curriculum on the SABI website or feel free to email us on info@sabi.co.za for further information or to book on a course. |
Membership Matters |
Fees |
Status upgrade |
Do take a minute in your busy day to have a look at your membership status, if you think you must upgrade your membership category, please contact Riana on riana@sabi.co.za. Also, if you have moved or changed jobs, please notify René at the SABI Office of your new contact details on admin@sabi.co.za. We appeal to members to attend at least one branch meeting a year. Our meetings are always fun and highly informative. It is up to you to stay connected and participate in all there is SABI offers! |
Approved SABI Designers |
Remember that it is important to accumulate points to maintain your SABI Approved Designer status. There are several Approved Designer Members who did not accumulate the required 5 points during the last two year term. You can accumulate points by attending SABI Events such as Congress and Meetings or writing articles for SABI magazine, please do contact Riana on riana@sabi.co.za for more info. Please note the new term for Members is March 2022 – March 2024 |
SABI Magazine June/July 2022 |
Pivoting into Spring |
Our Spring edition of SABI magazine looks at the technology and success stories of centre pivots – don’t miss this edition if you are looking to buy a pivot or are selling centre pivots. We also look at exports from South Africa - including citrus, apples and pears, maize, wine, grapes, pineapples and avocados, wool and nuts.” More specifically we look at apple drip irrigation and sugar irrigation on the continent. We further delve into:
Don’t miss advertising in this edition, please be in touch with Riana (riana@sabi.co.za) to book your space and Carol (carol@sabi.co.za) to share your news. |
Deadline for booking: 27 June 2022 |
SABI Congress 2023Don’t miss the announcements coming up for the next SABI Congress 2023 in Gauteng. Please make a note that you need to prepare to attend, speak and exhibit at SABI Congress 2023 – it is going to be a brilliant event! |
SABI, www.sabi.co.za and 021 850 8220 |