April Edition




  • Message from President
  • Message from the President
  • Council 2020-2021
  • Membership Matters
  • Technical
  • Training
  • Magazine
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Branch Meetings  - Message of support from SABI office



Message from President Ian de Jager

Good day SABI Friends!

I am pleased to report we had our first SABI Council meeting on 5 February 2020.  SABI Council for 2020/21 is a young team, however, with ample experience in a wide spectrum. We are all looking forward to the next two years, working together and serving the SABI members as best as we can. We had two days to get to know each other well and it really was a great time as it was organized by Riana, so it was certainly a superb event. I see it as a huge privilege to work with this team!

SABI will keep on growing into the future as our role as an irrigation institute will become increasingly important playing a crucial role in the emerging future as food, water and energy are the talk of the day in all governments. A nation cannot exist without these necessities.

We are still in the process of registering SABI Approved Designers as a professional designation, meaning that more young aspirant designers will be able to choose in future to make it their occupation.

Our input into agricultural schools is expanding every year as more schools ask for help from SABI. In this area, Uli, Annemarie and their assistant expert lecturers, from the SABI member companies, are doing a great job.

This year, like any other year, has presented new challenges but we must never slow down but rather be creative to use every situation to go the extra mile to do our best for our industry and farmers. Please use the time during lock down to think creatively about new ideas to help your customers to grow beyond the horizon in products and profits.

Soon our training will continue - please make use of these opportunities to stay in front and lead the Industry as this is what make SABI an amazing institute.

All the best for your families and your business for this year. Stay safe and take care.
God bless!


SABI Council L-R, Front Row: Yashiel Singh, Tony Ewels, Ian de Jager, Albertus Burger, Willie Vosloo, Tian Lourens.
Back Row: Johan Grobler, Hannes van Niekerk, Felix Reinders, Michael Esmeraldo, Neil Lecler.




  • Please note that the SABI membership invoices were sent out to all members in February.  Do use your membership number as the reference when you pay your membership fee.  Please call the SABI office on 021 850 8220 or email info@sabi.co.za should you have any queries.

  • Paid-up members will receive a Certificate of Verification to prove that they are paid-up members for the year.  Please do report it to us if you are aware that non-members are using the SABI logo.
  • Please note that members who have not paid their 2019 membership fees are no longer SABI members.



Categories and keeping up to date:

  • We would like to ask you:  have a look at your membership status please. If you think you must upgrade your membership category, please contact Riana on riana@sabi.co.za.
  • We appeal to members to attend at least one branch meeting a year.  Please do attend, keep in touch and participate in all SABI offers you, as this ensures you remain an active member of the Institute.
  • Renewal of membership for SABI Approved Designers.  Remember that it is important to accumulate points to maintain your SABI Approved Designer status.  There are several Approved Designer Members who did not accumulate the required 5 points during last the two-year term.

For example:

  • Attend a branch meeting – 1 point
  • Attend the SABI Congress – 2 points

Corporate members (Fellow/Member) are welcome to write the SABI National Exam.  Proposed date:  23 July 2020 in Pretoria.  If you are interested, please contact Riana on Riana@sabi.co.za.




Norms & Code of Practice (Agricultural & Landscape):

Changes to the norms and code of practice will soon be available on the SABI website.  In the February/March edition of SABI Magazine an article aimed at promoting design fees was published - What can farmers expect from system designers?




SABI Training

The 2020 Training Brochure (Agriculture & Landscape) is available on the SABI website – www.sabi.co.za. Please note training courses will resume after the lockdown.  We will be in touch with all students with new dates of courses.

We present courses for the agricultural/landscape industry and designers plus irrigation management on farm.

  • Information about the courses is available on the website and registration forms can also be completed online.
  • This year we present an Advanced Irrigation Design Course – “Surge management in irrigation systems.”
  • SABI also conduct irrigation training at 15 agricultural schools in the country.  This initiative is sponsored by Agrico.

Online courses:

In the near future we will present some of our courses online, the first course online will be the D1: Introduction to irrigation equipment and installation course.

Irrigation Design Manual:

The Water Research Commission is busy updating the Irrigation Design Manual.  The new version will soon be available, we will keep members informed when the manual is ready to access.


Uli Peters
Annemarie van der Westhuizen 




The latest SABI magazine, April/May edition was sent digitally to members, advertisers and subscribers as a lockdown souvenir. 
Hope you all enjoyed this special edition. 

After only a few days of SABI mag April May 20202 being shared electronically, it already has been seen by over 2 000 people – and we have a lot more venues to send it to, who will share it with their audiences.  Our SABI members can thus be assured that their services as designers, companies, brands, their products and services at large plus the irrigation industry is being well promoted during lockdown. We will keep you updated. Don’t miss out advertising in SABI magazine or publishing an article or advertorial – we are still the best value for money.


The June/July edition feature features Precision Technology

  • Fertigation
  • Automation
  • Scheduling
  • Data

Systems and products

  • Pipes
  • Pumps
  • Precision mobile drip
  • HDPE welding
  • Weather stations
  • Recreational landscapes and water saving.

We will also be publishing a special on lockdown survivalist, guerrilla or victory gardens, as they are called – the gardening South Africans are busy with during lockdown.

Please do send any articles you may want considered for publication -and remember lockdown is an excellent opportunity to write that article for SABI magazine you had in mind!

Make full use of the magazine to advertise your product and service or tell your story.

For editorial contributions contact Carol – carol@sabi.co.za
For advertisements contact Riana – riana@sabi.co.za




Visit the SAB Website it’s your window to irrigation opportunities. Increasingly recruitment consultants are using the SABI website to advertise job opportunities in irrigation, please have a look at the opportunities available.

Visit website: www.sabi.co.za



SABI Social Media

Do take a minute to visit us on:-

We endeavour to speak the message of SABI and its members further afield with these mediums, and it would great if you could add your voice to these forums to open new avenues of opportunity.




The Oranje and Western Cape Branch meetings are scheduled for April 23, but as a result of Covid19 lockdown these two branch meeting will not proceed as planned. We will soon set a new date and send the invitation to everyone. The rest of the branch meetings, as scheduled for the year, will take place during June and July.



We are thinking of everyone in South Africa and also all of our fellow citizens in the world at this time, in this global situation, which none of us thought could happen to us. There is good and bad in this, but hopefully more good.

All of us at the SABI office are thinking of everyone in the irrigation industry at this time, please stay safe and make the best of this time.

We look forward to serving the irrigation industry again as an organisation.

If you have any questions, please contact me at:
riana@sabi.co.za or 083 303 3596



SABI, www.sabi.co.za and 021 850 8220