Christmas Edition


  • Christmas message from SABI President Willie Vosloo
  • Seasonal message from SABI GM Riana Lombard
  • SABI meetings sponsorship
  • Proposed dates for SABI meetings
  • SABI mag and NewsJet – advertising opportunities
  • Training brochure
  • SABI Schools Awards

Message from President Willie Vosloo

An Excellent Term
Happy Holidays!

It has been an excellent year in many ways for SABI, I am delighted to report. The success of the SABI National Congress 2019, Durban was a highlight for us. This Congress attracted a record number of attendees, with some 300 people present. Our SABI Training also continue to be popular, and we look forward to further growth in the stature of Irrigation as a career going into 2020.  Our Schools Introductory Irrigation Course yet again had an excellent year, with 10 agricultural schools on-board. SABI magazine, now 11-years-old, continues to grow and attract new subscribers and recognition from many quarters. Well Done to Riana and her SABI team!

I have enjoyed my term of President of SABI steering the Institute with input and help from the council members. The Council of the last two years has worked tirelessly and consistently to keep SABI a very well respected technical and professional Institute – and indeed, the top Irrigation Institute in Africa. Thank you to all the Council members for your valued time and inputs – I’m sure it is highly appreciated by all SABI members.

Wishing SABI members all the blessings of Christmas, Hanukah and the Festive Season. May your New Year be Happy, Healthy and Prosperous. Please stay safe and travel well during the holidays.


Festive Season Message from Riana Lombard GM

Thank you, all members
Blessed Festive Season to you…

SABI has enjoyed a fruitful, busy and all-round good year! The Durban Congress was a headline event, and all our other activities attracted wonderfully good member involvement and participation – thank you to all our Members and Company Members for your loyal support, interest and active participation in all our endeavours, we appreciate it all very much!

Each and every member – and your collective expertise, passion and care for optimum irrigation and the saving of water - make SABI success the it is.

We look forward to continuing the journey with you in 2020 to ensure optimum irrigation and water conservation are national priorities across South Africa and our continent. Do have a wonderful Festive Season and Happy Holidays with your loved ones. Travel safely and we will see you all in the New Year!


SABI Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

Branch meetings

SABI would also like to invite you to be a speaker and sponsor at branch meetings.

Advantage of the opportunities –

  • By being a sponsor, you are welcome to co-brand the event, with your banners etc.
  • You can present your new product or technology by being a speaker at a meeting.
  • It’s an ideal way to raise awareness and do marketing of your company in the marketplace, amongst a group of decision makers in irrigation and water conservation.
The proposed dates for SABI branch meetings are as follows

Eastern Cape
20 February - 11 July - 19 November
5 March - 23 July - 26 November
KwaZulu Natal
5 March - 5 June (Golf Day) - 30 October
11 March - 15 July - 11 November
12 March - 16 July - 12 November
20 February - 4 June - 29 October
Western Cape
19 March - 9 July - 5 November (Golf Day)

SABI mag and NewsJet

Please do note the SABI magazine ratecard is now available for 2020 – our rates are still the best around for reaching an excellent audience of decision makers – onboard aircraft, all national airports, SABI members, farmers and also at trade show events like Africa Big 7 and agricultural and landscape expos throughout the year. Peruse the ratecard on Members please do advertise you will get excellent exposure from SABI magazine.



SABI Training

Please do take some time to peruse for your staff and self the SABI IrrigationWise Training Brochure 2020 on the website. There are great opportunities for learning and development in both agricultural and landscape irrigaition.

SABI Schools Awards 2019

Top High School Learners


Top Learner

The Top Achievers for 2019 were:


The Top Overall Learner
for 2019 was announced as
Johan de Wet of
Hoërskool Landoubdal Congratulations! 

  • Azalia Waarnar of Hoërskool Porterville
  • Johan de Wet of Hoërskool Landboudal
  • Mark Reed of Oakdale Landbouskool
  • Tiaan Mollentze of Boland Landbouskool
  • Fritz-Dawid Burger of Augsburg Landbou Gimnasium
  • Reynard Wisse of Hoërskool Bekker
  • Matthew Genlloud of Weston Agricultural College
  • Arabetswe Moloi of Unicom Agricultural School
  • Jandré du Preez of Wagpos Landbouskool
  • Willem Viljoen of Marlow Landbouskool.

SABI GM Riana Lombard, in welcoming everyone, said it was wonderful to see such good and enthusiastic attendance of the event. “Thank you to all who were involved in this event – it continues to grow from strength to strength. Thank you all for attending, and especially those parents, teachers and learners who travelled a long way today to be here. We really appreciate it. We are delighted to be introducing irrigation as a discipline and a future career to consider to agricultural high school learners in South Africa.

“In order to save water and ensure optimum irrigation in future we really do need young South Africans to enter the industry. Well done to all our top learners – you did well and we are proud of you.  We look forward to seeing you making a difference to water conservation and efficient irrigation in a few years’ time.”

The SABI Agricultural School Introductory Irrigation Course kicked off in 2011 in the Western Cape at Oakdale Agricultural School in Riversdale, and is growing every year nationally to all provinces, said SABI IrrigationWise Training Officer Annemarie van der Westhuizen who is the lecturer for the schools’ courses. Annemarie related that during 2019 she presented the course to 10 schools. “We are getting interest consistently from schools interested in the course from all provinces, and we are happy to see the year-on-year growth. We really do want to introduce irrigation as a prospective career field to our young people.”

Several SABI Company Members made contributions to the course – including Agrico, Netafim, CropSystems, SAW Africa, Agriplas, KSB, Grundfos, Microjet, Irrigator, Jabeco, Irritech and Dassie Mulder. Annemarie said the team are grateful to the SABI Company Members who also participate by presenting practicals and lectures to the students.

Basic concepts of irrigation are covered in the course, with presentations and practical exercises.


The attendees were also delighted to listen to a presentation on the importance of agriculture and farming in South Africa by media personality and author Ivor Price, who is a co-founder of and co-author with Kobus Louwrens of the book For The Love of the Land,  which is “set against the raging land debate, For the Love of the Land: Being a Farmer in South Africa Today introduces South Africans to the unsung heroes of the agricultural industry.



SABI Social Media

Do take a minute to visit us on:-

We endeavour to speak the message of SABI and its members further afield with these mediums, and it would great if you could add your voice to these forums to open new avenues of opportunity.


SABI, and 021 850 8220