Contents |
GM's Message |
Membership fees will increase by only 7 % for 2019. You will receive your membership invoices in January 2019. Please note that members who have still not paid their 2018 membership fees by the end of December 2018, will no longer be SABI members.
You may have heard on the grapevine that our head of training and SABI Technical Executive Officer, Isobel van der Stoep is taking up a new opportunity at ZZ2, as technical manager, based in Mooketsi in Limpopo. Isobel was the first female SABI president in 2008 - 2009 and earned the coveted SABI gold medal for her valuable contribution to the industry. Isobel is also a well-known irrigation researcher for the WRC. This high achieving SABI member, who is an agricultural engineer, is highly active in the engineering world – Isobel was also a president of the South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers (SAIAE) from 2015-2017. You will join us in thanking Isobel for all her inputs, All the all very best and every blessing Isobel!
Training programme 2019 |
The 2019 Training brochure (agriculture & landscape) is available on the SABI website. Make sure you book your training timeously. You are welcome to contact Isobel van der Stoep to arrange a quote if you wish for in-house, customized courses for your department, organization or business. Please check for the 2019 training brochure |
SABI MAGAZINEThe new rate card and edition features for the new year are available for perusal on Feel free to email to advertise or to share a story.
SABI Golf Western CapeSABI had another fun and festive day of golf in Kuilsrivier in November, which is also traditionally the Western Cape’s branch’s Christmas and year-end event. 23 teams participated and a great time was had by all. It was SABI’s 20th Western Cape golf day – next year will be our 21st. Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2018 golf day! |
Hallo my China - Chinese delegation visits SABI |
Recently, SABI had a Chinese trade mission visiting, |
Be Aware |
Please take care when signing up to attend, exhibit or participate in events. SABI member Johannes Grobler recently asked us to relate to all members his unpleasant experience with the widely advertised (on email) “Smart farming Tech Symposium “, held in August it did not live up to its top billing at all. Johannes who emailed the organisers asking for their attendance fee back said there was hardly any comparison between what was advertised and the experience. Furthermore, the disorganisation and lack of facilities was unpleasant viz there were no registration facilities, maps, banners, proceeding material, programme, coffee or tea during registration and tea breaks or lunch. Lunch was a burger, which delegates had to eat on the steps outside the venue. The programme, confirmed the day before, was not followed at all. |
SABI, and 021 850 8220 |